10 Best Mobile Analytics Software for Startups & Enterprises

Mobile Analytics software ensures you have a top-notch overview of your applications by providing salient insights into user experience, heatmaps, views, downloads, and other business-centric statistics.

As you read this article, you’ll learn the intricacy of some of the best mobile analytics software, top solutions within the category, key features, and cost implications.

Table of Contents

What is Mobile Analytics Software?

Mobile app analytics software is a solution designed to collect, analyze, and provide insights into user interactions, behaviors, and usage patterns within applications.

This software helps businesses and developers understand how users engage with their mobile offerings, enabling them to make informed decisions to improve user experiences, optimize features, and drive better outcomes.

Software 1: Firebase

Firebase is a comprehensive mobile analytics software developed by Google. It helps app developers gain valuable insights into user behavior and app performance.

Firebase Analytics enables tracking and analyzing various metrics, such as user engagement, retention rates, conversion rates, and in-app purchases.

This data helps developers understand how users interact with their app, identify popular features, and optimize user experiences.

Firebase also provides event tracking, allowing developers to monitor specific user actions within the app.

Key Features and Use Cases

Key FeaturesUse Cases
Test LabThis feature allows developers to test their apps on real devices and different configurations to ensure they work correctly across various scenarios. 
It aids in identifying potential issues, ensuring app stability, and delivering a seamless user experience.
Crash ReportingCrash Reporting detects and reports app crashes, helping developers quickly identify and fix issues that might negatively impact user experience. 
Detailed crash reports include information about the device, OS version, and stack traces, aiding in efficient debugging.
HostingIt has a hosting feature that enables developers to deploy and host their web content quickly and securely. 
It ensures a reliable and performant web presence for app-related content.


Firebase charges per feature. However, it’s open about its feature prices, and as such, you should surf through the pricing page on its sites and add up the cost of all features you need.  

Mixpanel tracks user interactions and lets you create custom reports. The software makes it possible for users to track actions taken by creating funnels and segmenting them so you can properly troubleshoot pain points.

Mixpanel also provides information on data points, for example, it offers insights into channels, devices, and locations.

It’s an excellent tool for tracking user behavior and optimizing your solution for the most desirable user experience.

Key Features and Use Cases

Key FeaturesUse Cases
Event TrackingIt provides insights into how users interact with different features, helping developers understand behavior patterns, preferences, and engagement levels.
Account Level AnalyticsMixpanel offers the ability to analyze user behavior at an account or individual level.
This is particularly valuable for apps that involve user accounts or profiles. 
It enables developers to gather data on user preferences, usage history, and personalized experiences, leading to better user segmentation and targeted communication strategies.
Retention AnalysisMixpanel provides detailed retention analytics, allowing developers to understand how often users return to the app after their initial interaction.


Mixpanel offers three pricing plans:

  • Free – up to 100,000 monthly tracked users
  • Growth – $25.00 
  • Custom – You’ll need to contact Mixpanel

Software 3: Flurry

Flurry is Yahoo’s invention. It offers enterprises the capacity to oversee user action on all platforms at a good rate.

Flurry is available to use for free, provided you anonymously share your data with third parties. However, users have the option to pay for more authority over data-sharing practices. 

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Beyond this, Flurry also offers insight into user conduct, providing your app with the right tool for optimal user experience. 

Key Features and Use Cases

Key FeaturesUse Cases
User Behavior TrackingThis feature lets you track user actions in your mobile app, thereby, offering insight into how users interact with features and functionalities. 
Demographic AnalysisThis feature provides you with data on the demographic of your app users, including information like age, location, and gender.
Retention AnalysisThis feature helps to track your mobile application’s user retention rates, revealing the rate users revisit your app after the first time. 
Custom Event TrackingIt lets you define and track custom events according to the unique features and goals of your app. 


Flurry offers custom pricing, thus, you’ll need to communicate with its sales team for a precise fee. 

Software 4: Amplitude

Amplitude is a product analytics platform designed to help businesses and app developers understand user behavior, track key metrics, and make data-driven decisions to improve their products and user experiences. 

It provides tools for analyzing user interactions, measuring engagement, and optimizing various aspects of digital products. Amplitude’s key features encompass a wide range of capabilities that aid in data analysis and product enhancement. 

Key Features and Use Cases

Key FeaturesUse Cases
Event Tracking and AnalysisAmplitude allows you to track user interactions within your app or website as events. 
You can customize it to capture specific actions, behaviors, or milestones relevant to your product. 
User Behavior TrendsWith Amplitude, you can identify trends in user behavior and engagement patterns. 
This information can inform your product roadmap and help you make informed decisions about feature development and enhancements.
User Journey MappingYou can visualize user journeys within your product, from the first interaction to conversion. 
This helps you identify opportunities to streamline the user experience and enhance engagement.
Predictive AnalyticsAmplitude offers predictive analytics features that aid in forecasting user behavior and outcomes according to historical data. 


Amplitude offers starter, growth, and enterprise options. Each comes with a separate price plan. Amplitude did not share its fees with the public at the time of compiling this article, thus, you’ll need to reach out to the sales team for exact cost. 

Countly is a web and mobile app analytics software that tracks users using a small plugin that you can integrate into applications in less than 10 minutes. Countly immediately starts to count data as soon as it detects any event or activity on the platform. 

Upon installation, the app sends event data to the Countly server, which in turn decrypts the information and informs app owners of actions, and how users behave. 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key FeaturesUse Cases 
User ProfilesEach user is assigned a profile that consolidates their activity and behavior data. 
This comprehensive view helps you understand individual users’ journeys and engagement levels.
Push NotificationsIt offers push notification capabilities, enabling you to send targeted and personalized messages to specific user segments to improve engagement and conversions.
Crash Reporting Its crash reporting feature helps you identify and diagnose app crashes and errors in real-time. This aids in promptly addressing technical issues that might affect user experience.
A/B Testing The platform supports A/B testing, enabling you to experiment with different variations of your app’s features and interfaces to determine which ones resonate best with users.


Countly has two packages, these are Community Edition and Enterprise Edition:

  • Community Edition – Free 
  • Enterprise Edition – Customized Pricing

Software 6: Heap Analytics

Heap is an app tracking software that helps product, marketing, and customer success teams track and create desirable digital experiences that can convert and retain users. 

It aims to simplify the process of tracking and analyzing user interactions on websites and applications. It also offers a unique approach to data collection, allowing you to retroactively analyze user behavior without needing to predefine events or actions. 

Key Features and Use Cases

Key FeaturesUse Cases
Data Informatics This feature shows businesses the alternate paths users take, the effort they’ll need to expend to convert a user, and events that likely correlate with conversion and retention. 
Attribution Modeling This feature helps you determine the most effective paths and sources that drive user engagement, conversions, and business success. 
Multi-Channel Data CollectionIt allows you to consolidate data from different channels, such as web, mobile, email, social media, and more, into a single analytics platform.
Alerts/ EscalationWith alerts, you can set up predefined thresholds or conditions, and when those conditions are met, the system can automatically trigger notifications.


Heap offers 5 pricing packages which are:

  • Free: Free to use across the board 
  • Growth: Custom pricing 
  • Pro: Custom pricing 
  • Premier: Custom pricing

Software 7: Upland Localytics

Upland Localytics is a mobile and web app tracking software and marketing platform designed to help businesses gain insights into user behavior, engage with their audience, and optimize their application experiences.

It provides tools to track user interactions, analyze data, and execute personalized marketing campaigns.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key FeaturesUse Cases 
In-app MessagingLocalytics enables you to communicate with users while they are actively using your app. These messages can provide information, promotions, and even suggestions to enhance their experience.
A/B TestingThis feature allows you to experiment with different variations of your app’s features, content, or messaging to determine which performs better with users.
Attribution AnalysisLocalytics helps you track and analyze the sources that drive user acquisition and conversions. 
This attribution analysis allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing channels and campaigns.


Upland Localytics offers both free and paid plans. Its paid version starts at $20/ month.

Software 8: Apple App Analytics

Apple App Analytics is a solution offered by Apple for marketers and app developers to track and analyze the performance of their macOS and iOS applications. It offers insights into downloads, engagement, in-app purchases, and more.

Apple App Analytics offers insights into downloads, user engagement, in-app purchases, and many more. This solution is only offered to developers with applications on the Apple App Store. 

Key Features and Use Cases

Key FeaturesUse Cases
User Engagement MetricsThis feature offers data on user engagement metrics like the number of app installs, app sessions, and active devices. This helps developers understand how popular your application is, and the frequency at which users interact with it. 
App Store Views and DownloadsThis feature provides information on the number of views on your app’s App Store page, and the number of downloads.
It helps gauge the effectiveness of your app’s description, promotional materials, and screenshots.
In-App Purchase AnalysisThis feature lets you track in-app purchases, and measure revenue you generate from these transactions. 
Sales and TrendsIt offers information on app sales, and trends, including net sales, and the number of units sold. 


Apple App Analytics is free to use for all users.

Software 9: Glassbox

Glassbox is a mobile analytics technology that can monitor and track user interactions with mobile applications. It allows organizations to capture and record user sessions in real time, providing insights into user behavior, interactions, and the user experience.

This technology is often used by companies to improve their digital products, identify usability issues, and optimize user journeys. 

Glassbox mobile analytics can record mouse movements, clicks, navigation paths, and even user inputs, providing a comprehensive view of how your product users interact with the digital interface.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key FeaturesUse Cases
HeatmapsIt generates visual heat maps that highlight where users are clicking, hovering, or interacting the most on a web page. This information can help optimize page layouts and design.
Anomaly DetectionThe platform can highlight unusual or unexpected user behaviors that might indicate fraudulent activities or technical glitches.
Data Privacy and ComplianceIt helps organizations comply with data privacy regulations. This involves masking sensitive user data or providing tools for managing user consent.


Glassbox offers custom pricing. As such, you’ll need to select the “request pricing” option to get fees to pay.

Software 10: ContentSquare

ContentSquare offers real-time insights that can be used to improve digital experiences, increase customer happiness, and create growth. It is a digital experience analytics platform that helps enterprises understand and optimize user interactions with mobile applications.  

With ContentSquare, business owners can have in-depth insights into user behavior and assist to organize their digital experiences.

Key Features and Use Cases

Key FeaturesUse Cases
Session RecordingIt captures and replays user sessions, allowing businesses to see exactly how users interact with the platform. This includes mouse movements, clicks, scrolls, and other interactions.
Form AnalyticsThe platform provides insights into how users interact with forms, helping businesses improve form completion rates and overall user experience.
Zoning AnalysisIt divides web pages into distinct zones and analyzes user interactions based on that. 


ContentSquare offers custom pricing plans. You’ll need to contact the sales team for precise costs.

Wrapping Up 

Mobile app analytics software helps enterprises have a better overview of how users interact with your applications, track user conversions, and show pain points.

Mobile Analytics software ensures you have a top-notch overview of your applications by providing salient insights into user experience, heatmaps, views, downloads, and other business-centric statistics. As you read this article, you’ll learn the intricacy of some of the best mobile analytics software, top solutions within the category, key features, and cost implications. Table of Contents What is Mobile Analytics…