Wine Inventory Software for All Types of Businesses–Key Features, and Pricing.

Wine inventory software is among the go-to tools for every business in the winery and bar niche. These tools are essential to appropriately track quantity, manage warehousing, quickly identify theft, and pinpoint the exact location of your products. 

In this article, we’ll educate you on how to use wine inventory software, top wine inventory software for 2023, their key features, and prices. 

How to Keep Stock of Your Wine Inventory?
Software 1: Fishbowl
Software 2: Tap Hunter
Software 3: Vintrace
Software 4: Uncorked Cellar
Software 5: Wine Hub
Software 6: Cellar Tracker
Software 7: DeVineWare
Software 8: Vivino
Software 9: InnoVint
Software 10: BevSpot

How to Keep Stock of Your Wine Inventory?

Managing a wine inventory can be a herculean task if you’re not vast in accounting. Even for those with experience, it requires a great deal of time. 

Here’s a details step on how to take stock of your wine inventory:

Step 1: Categorize your Inventory

You can categorize your wine based on types (red wine, whiskey, vodka), region (Napa Valley, Bordeaux), varietal (Merlot, Chardonnay) or based on the production year. Adopt the system that fits your organization. 

Step 2: Capture Essential Details 

Detail relevant information about each wine bottle; including the name, producer, purchase date, price, and varietal. You can also include the location for easy access e.g., wine rack, cellar, etc. 

Step 3: Track Quantities

Detail the number of bottles you have for each wine. It helps to know when you’re running out of stock. This is particularly helpful if you’re running a B2C business, or regularly hosting events where you serve wine. 

Step 4: Assign a Unique Identifier

Assign a unique identifier or barcode to each bottle for easy management. You can pre-print wine tags or create your labels with codes that correspond with your spreadsheet. 

Step 5: Regular Update 

Update your wine inventory regularly and accurately whenever you acquire a new bottle.

Now, let’s dig into the best wine inventory software for 2023

Software 1: Fishbowl

Fishbowl is an all-encompassing software for wine inventory that helps medium and large enterprises in the niche identify demand trends and manage supply issues. 

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Beyond wine cellar tracking, the platform can also automate certain aspects of the wine manufacturing process. Fishbowl’s inventory-centric design improves efficiency by giving businesses the overview and control it need to mitigate against losses and maximize productivity.

For further insight into this tech stack, let’s consider its key features: 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Multi-location management Fishbowl enables those with multiple wineries and bars to manage their inventory across different locations in a centralized way. 
It offers visibility into stock levels at each site and facilitates cross-location transfers. 
Bills of MaterialsThis feature allows users to create and manage bills or materials, track raw materials, and adjust inventory levels for production. 
Barcode ScanningWith Fishbowl, you can utilize barcode scanning technology to improve accuracy and efficiency in inventory management. 
It allows you to scan barcodes on products, locations, and documents–reducing manual data entry and minimizing errors.
Inventory Costing It provides inventory costing methods like FIFO, LIFO, and Average Cost. This helps to accurately calculate the cost of goods sold, and determine your average inventory value. 
Ecommerce IntegrationFishbowl has e-commerce integration options for platforms like WooCommerce, Magneto, and Shopify–permitting data synchronization between your online store and Fishbowl. 


FIshbowl offers two pricing plans. The most ideal for you depends on the features needed. 

  • Fishbowl Drive: $349
  • Fishbowl Advanced (Warehousing): $399
  • Fishbowl Advanced (Manufacturing): $499

Software 2: Tap Hunter 

TapHunter is a cloud-based wine and beer inventory software that’s created to meet the demands of bar managers and owners. The software provides several features for managing print and digital menus. 

TapHunter software has a centralized dashboard where users can create menus, and publish content on their websites. 

The success of this software is primarily due to the following features: 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
POS Integration Wine inventory software integrates with POS to ensure sales made are automatically deducted from the stock of wine you have. 
Supplier ManagementThis feature helps in monitoring, automating, and managing the company’s supply lifecycle. 
Search filterThe search filter narrows down a list of records and shows only wines that include the data you’re looking for. It displays options based on set parameters. 
Cost trackingIt helps track the cost of your purchase to easily identify purchase differences, and price your wine accordingly. 


TapHunter has not provided pricing information for this product or service. As such, you’ll need to visit the company’s website to negotiate a price per needed features. 

Vintrace is software for restaurants with a winery. It is a comprehensive winery management system that helps winemakers and vineyard managers to streamline and optimize their operations. 

Vintrace provides tools and features to manage various aspects of the winemaking process, from grape harvest to bottling and beyond. 

Here are some key features typically associated with Vintrace:

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Vineyard managementThis feature helps to manage vineyard operations by tracking and analyzing data related to vineyard activities. 
It includes functionalities like vineyard mapping, scheduling tasks, and monitoring vineyard conditions.
Compliance and ReportingVintrace assists wineries with their regulatory requirements by helping with recordkeeping, reporting, and documentation. 
It can also generate compliance reports, manage certifications, and meet labeling requirements.
Quality ControlThis feature helps to monitor and control wine quality by providing tools for recording and analyzing lab data. It also tracks sensory evaluations. 
Stock InventoryIt helps wineries track and manage inventories by providing real-time visibility into stock levels; thereby, improving planning and forecasting for manufacturers. 


Vinetrace offers 4 different plans that are dependent on a prospective user’s winery capacity: 

  • Small estate: up to 300 tonnes, 1 user
  • Estate: up to 2000 tonnes, 3 users
  • Custom crush: up to 2000 tonnes, unlimited users
  • Enterprise: Unlimited users and tonnes. 

The price of these plans is not made public by the company as you’ll have to contact the sales team for fees.  

Software 4: Uncorked Cellar 

Uncorked Cellar is One of the Wine Inventory Software for All Types of Businesses

The “Uncorked Cellar” is a wine management and cellar tracking software. 

It helps wine enthusiasts and professionals manage their wine collections, track inventory, and provide information about wines.

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The software allows users to create a digital catalog of their wine collection, including details such as wine name, producer, vintage, region, tasting notes, and bottle images. Users can easily add new wines to their personal wine cellar inventory by manually entering the information or by importing data from various sources.

Let’s discuss its key features and use cases: 

Key Features and Use Cases

Key Features Use Cases 
Cellar management Users can track each bottle’s location in the cellar, this includes shelf or rack information.
Wine information and ratings This feature provides information from the entire organization’s entire catalog, irrespective of the location. 
It entails details like ratings, food pairing, suggested drinking timeframe, and tasting notes. 
Barcode Scanning By scanning the barcode on a wine bottle, users can automatically retrieve information about that wine from the database. 
Purchase history This feature helps users keep a record of their wine acquisitions and track their wine expenses.


Here’s how the pricing plans vary: 

  • Basic: $129
  • Silver: $149
  • Platinum: $399

Software 5: Wine Hub 

Wine Hub is an all-encompassing wine inventory management platform designed to provide a centralized medium of empowering fine wine business owners to have top-notch visibility over their enterprise. 

It helps businesses streamline their wine bar inventory management abilities while driving efficiencies through day-to-day tasks, including sales orders, shipping, invoicing, reporting, purchase orders, and more. 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Wholesaler/importer workflow managementIt helps coordinate logistics and ensure compliance with regulatory laws. 
The software has tools to track and manage the entire supply chain, from wine sourcing to delivery. 
Wine inventory typesThis feature helps users to organize wines based on various criteria such as wine varietal, region, vintage, producer, or any other custom classification they prefer. 
Omni/multi-channel sellingIt facilitates centralized inventory management, order processing, and sales reporting across all channels, providing a unified view of sales and inventory data.


Wine hub has 3 pricing plans, these are: 

  • Starter: £275 
  • Standard: £500
  • Pro: £800

Software 6: Cellar Tracker 

CellarTracker is a popular personal wine inventory solution for people who wish to track their cellar collections. 

The solution eases collection management by the UPC on each bottle. Alternatively, you may use the in-app’s search engine if the bottles don’t have UPCs. It then pops up the average price of the bottle, the number you have in stock, and other fun facts about it. 

Key Features and Use Cases

Key Features Use Cases
Collection managementThis feature helps to track wines in your collection by notifying you of their location in your cellar.
Label recognition You can access the history of captured labels to help remember what you’ve been drinking. 
Scan Barcodes  This feature helps users easily scan EAN/UPC barcodes on wines and custom CellarTracker barcodes. 
Consumption historyIt tracks what you’ve been drinking from your cellar, wineries, restaurants, or anywhere. It also lets you add label images and ratings. 


Cellar Tracker has a freemium annual payment model. That is, you only pay if you want access to additional features. Payment for extra features is split into this: 

  •  0-99 bottles:  $40/year
  •  100-249 bottles:  $60/year
  •  250-499 bottles:  $80/year
  •  500-999 bottles: $160/year
  •  1,000-2,499 bottles: $320/year
  •  2,500+ bottles: $500/year

Software 7: DeVineWare 

DeVineWare is a wine inventory system used in the wine industry. It is a technology-driven solution that involves using barcode scanning devices and software to track and manage the inventory of wine bottles.

With the DeVineWare system, each wine bottle is labeled with a unique barcode. The barcode contains product information, such as the wine’s name, producer, vintage, and other relevant details. 

This way, businesses can quickly retrieve information about the wine, update inventory records, and perform various operations efficiently.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Inventory managementWine businesses easily track and manage their inventory for accurate counting, and real-time updates on stock. 
Point of Sale IntegrationWith its barcode scanning, this feature enables quick and accurate processing of wine sales.
Reporting and Analytics DeVineWare systems generate reports and analytics based on data generated. 


DeVineWare does not make its pricing public. As such, you’ll need to contact the sales team for price negotiation. 

Software 8: Vivino

Vivino is a popular wine tracking and inventory software that’s designed by a collaboration of wine enthusiasts and senior developers. It also serves as a platform for discovering, learning about, and purchasing wines.

Vivino offers users access to its catalog of wines, helping them explore their catalog, and notes made. Vivino is a popular winery inventory tool because of its arrays of features, which include: 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Wine Scanner A standout feature of Vivino is its wine scanning capability. You can scan wines to save up information about them. 
Cellar ManagementThis feature can track their inventory, add notes, and mark wines as consumed or on their wish list.
Wine EducationVivino provides educational content to help users expand their wine knowledge. 


Vivino offers a subscription plan of $120. 

Software 9: InnoVint 

InnoVint is a cloud-based software platform designed specifically for the wine industry. 

InnoVint provides solutions for vineyard management, winery production, and compliance tracking, allowing winemakers to have a centralized system to handle all aspects of their operations.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Fermentation Management InnoVint allows winemakers to track and manage fermentation processes, including temperature control, brix measurements, and vessel management. 
Inventory Tracking It allows winemakers to monitor stock levels, plan production based on available inventory, and generate reports for better inventory management.
Data Analytics Analytics can help in identifying areas for improvement, optimizing production, and making informed decisions.
Compliance and Reporting It helps winemakers stay compliant with industry regulations by helping with record-keeping, generating necessary reports, and compliance tracking. 


The company offers 4 pricing packages, which are: 

  • Core.
  • Plus.  
  • Custom Crush.
  • Enterprise. 

Software 10: BevSpot 

BevSpot is One of the Wine Inventory Software for All Types of Businesses

BevSpot is a cloud-based software that provides a suite of tools for the wine industry to manage different aspects of their business. The software aids in inventory management, purchasing and ordering, menu management, and analytics. 

With BevSpot, founders and managers can track inventory levels and set par levels to guarantee they don’t run out of stock. They can also issue alerts when your stock runs low. 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Mobile App BevSpot offers a mobile app that enables users to manage their inventory. This provides a means to oversee their stock, irrespective of location. 
Vendor managementThis feature streamlines relationships with suppliers and vendors via payment management, invoicing, and order creation. 
Analytics It provides robust reporting and analytics capabilities by giving users insights into their business performance and access to various metrics such as inventory, purchasing, and sales. 


BevSpot does not publicly provide pricing information for its service. You’ll have to reach out to the sales team for precise fees. 


Wine inventory software helps manage your stock and provides a good oversight of the nitty-gritty of your solution. This article details top wine inventory software, their key features, and pricing. 

Wine inventory software is among the go-to tools for every business in the winery and bar niche. These tools are essential to appropriately track quantity, manage warehousing, quickly identify theft, and pinpoint the exact location of your products.  In this article, we’ll educate you on how to use wine inventory software, top wine inventory software for 2023, their key features,…