Top 10 Sales Coaching Software to Try in 2023 

Choosing the best sales coaching software is crucial for empowering your sales team with effective training and support. With numerous options available, finding the right platform can be challenging. Key considerations include features, pricing, and user reviews. Leading sales coaching software platforms offer diverse functionalities, such as video coaching, real-time conversation analytics, and gamification, catering to various team needs.

For those on a budget, exploring free sales coaching software can be a viable starting point, offering basic features like video coaching and performance tracking. Additionally, sales call coaching software focuses specifically on improving sales representatives’ performance during customer calls, providing real-time feedback and analysis.

Investing in the best sales coaching software allows your team to enhance productivity and achieve consistent growth. It empowers sales representatives with ongoing training and coaching, while enabling managers to track performance and make informed decisions. Remember to assess features, pricing, and user feedback to find the most suitable software for your team’s unique requirements.

▶ Software 1: SalesHood
▶ Software 2: Allego
▶ Software 3: MindTickle
▶ Software 4: Lessonly
▶ Software 5:
▶ Software 6:
▶ Software 7: Highspot
▶ Software 8: Showpad Coach
▶ Software 9: SalesScreen
▶ Software 10: LevelEleven
▶ Wrapping Up

Software 1: SalesHood 

SalesHood is a sales coaching and training platform designed to improve sales team performance and productivity. The platform is designed to enable sales teams to be more effective by providing coaching, training, and reinforcement in real-time. Here is a detailed description of SalesHood’s key features and benefits:

Key features of SalesHood

  • Interactive content: SalesHood offers interactive content, including videos, quizzes, and assessments that help sales reps retain information and develop skills.
  • Coaching and feedback: SalesHood’s coaching and feedback tools enable managers to provide personalized feedback to sales reps and track their progress over time.
  • Analytics and reporting: The platform offers analytics and reporting features that provide insights into individual and team performance, identifying areas for improvement.
  • Collaboration: SalesHood allows sales reps to collaborate and learn from one another through peer coaching, sharing best practices, and feedback.

Key benefits of SalesHood

  • Improved sales performance: SalesHood helps sales teams improve performance by providing coaching, training, and reinforcement in real-time.
  • Increased engagement: The interactive content and collaboration features of SalesHood help to increase engagement and motivation among sales reps.
  • Personalized coaching: The coaching and feedback tools in SalesHood enable managers to provide personalized feedback to sales reps and track their progress over time.
  • Data-driven insights: The analytics and reporting features of SalesHood provide insights into individual and team performance, identifying areas for improvement.

Price: starting at $50 per user per month. 

Software 2: Allego 

Allego is a sales coaching platform designed to help sales reps improve their performance through interactive training and coaching. It offers features like video coaching, practice scenarios, and performance analytics to help sales reps build their skills and knowledge. Here is a detailed description of Allego’s key features and benefits:

Key features of Allego

  • Video coaching: Allego’s video coaching feature allows sales reps to record themselves and receive feedback from their managers and peers, helping them improve their pitch and presentation skills.
  • Practice scenarios: The platform offers interactive practice scenarios that allow sales reps to apply their knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios.
  • Performance analytics: Allego provides performance analytics to help managers identify areas of improvement for their sales reps and provide personalized coaching and training.

Key benefits of Allego

  • Improved sales performance: Allego’s interactive training and coaching features help sales reps improve their performance, leading to increased productivity and revenue.
  • Better customer understanding: The platform provides insights into customer needs and preferences, helping sales reps tailor their approach and improve their success rates.
  • Effective coaching: Allego’s performance analytics and personalized coaching features help managers provide effective coaching and training to their sales reps.

Price: starting at $1 per feature. 

Software 3: MindTickle 

MindTickle is a sales coaching platform that provides interactive training, coaching, and gamification to improve sales reps’ skills and knowledge. It offers features like microlearning, assessments, and analytics to help managers provide personalized coaching and training. Here is a detailed description of MindTickle’s key features and benefits:

Key features of MindTickle

  • Microlearning: MindTickle’s microlearning feature offers bite-sized, interactive training modules that can be accessed by sales reps anytime, anywhere.
  • Assessments: The platform provides assessments to help managers identify areas of improvement for their sales reps and provide personalized coaching.
  • Analytics: MindTickle’s analytics feature provides insights into sales reps’ performance, helping managers track progress and adjust their coaching approach accordingly.
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Key benefits of MindTickle

  • Improved sales performance: MindTickle’s interactive training and coaching features help sales reps improve their performance, leading to increased productivity and revenue.
  • Personalized coaching: The platform’s assessments and analytics features allow managers to provide personalized coaching and training to their sales reps, improving their skills and knowledge.
  • Gamification: MindTickle’s gamification features make learning and coaching fun and engaging, increasing sales reps’ motivation and retention of information.

Price: starting at $15 per feature. 

Software 4: Lessonly 

Lessonly is a sales training and enablement platform that helps organizations improve their sales teams’ skills and knowledge. The platform offers a range of features to help managers and trainers create and deliver effective training, including course creation tools, feedback and coaching, and analytics. Here is a detailed description of Lessonly’s key features and benefits:

Key features of Lessonly

  • Course creation: Lessonly offers tools for creating and delivering training content, including videos, quizzes, and interactive scenarios.
  • Feedback and coaching: The platform allows managers to provide feedback and coaching to their team members, which helps improve performance and skills.
  • Analytics: Lessonly offers analytics and reporting tools that allow managers to track their team’s progress and identify areas for improvement.

Key benefits of Lessonly

  • Improved sales performance: Lessonly’s training tools help reps improve their performance by providing relevant and targeted training.
  • User-friendly platform: The platform is intuitive and easy to use, which makes it accessible to users of all skill levels.
  • Customizable: Lessonly can be customized to meet the specific needs of different teams and organizations.


  • Free : $0/month (billed annually) 
  • Basic : $200/month (billed annually) 
  • Plus : $500/month (billed annually) 

Software 5: is a conversation intelligence platform that helps sales teams improve their performance by analyzing and coaching their calls. The platform offers a range of features, including call recording and transcription, real-time coaching, and analytics. Here is a detailed description of’s key features and benefits:

Key features of

  • Call recording and transcription: records and transcribes sales calls, which allows reps and managers to review and analyze the conversations.
  • Real-time coaching: The platform provides real-time coaching and feedback during sales calls, which helps reps improve their performance.
  • Analytics: offers analytics and reporting tools that allow managers to track their team’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Key benefits of

  • Improved sales performance:’s conversation intelligence tools help reps improve their performance by providing real-time coaching and feedback during sales calls.
  • Time-saving: The platform automates the call recording and transcription process, which saves reps and managers time and allows them to focus on coaching and analyzing.
  • Data-driven insights:’s analytics and reporting tools provide data-driven insights that help managers make informed decisions about their sales strategy. 

Price: starting at $100 per month. 

Software 6: is a sales coaching and conversation analytics platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze sales conversations and provide actionable insights to improve sales performance. It is designed to help sales reps and managers improve their skills and knowledge, leading to increased productivity and revenue. Here is a detailed description of’s key features and benefits:

Key features of

  • Conversation analytics: uses artificial intelligence to analyze sales conversations and provide insights into sales reps’ skills, customer needs, and competitor positioning.
  • Coaching and feedback: The platform provides personalized coaching and feedback to sales reps and managers based on the insights gained from conversation analytics.
  • Pipeline management: offers pipeline management features that help sales reps and managers identify bottlenecks and improve deal forecasting.
  • Integration: The platform integrates with popular CRMs like Salesforce, making it easy to track and measure sales performance.

Key benefits of

  • Improved sales performance:’s conversation analytics, coaching, and feedback features help sales reps and managers improve their skills and knowledge, leading to increased productivity and revenue.
  • Better customer understanding: The platform provides insights into customer needs and preferences, helping sales reps tailor their approach and improve their success rates.
  • Data-driven insights:’s analytics and reporting features provide insights into individual and team performance, identifying areas for improvement.
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Price: starting at $5k plus $1400 per year per user . The price depends on number of your workers. 

Software 7: Highspot 

Highspot is a comprehensive sales coaching software designed to provide a single platform for sales enablement, content management, and customer engagement. It enables sales and marketing teams to deliver engaging content, personalize customer experiences, and accelerate revenue growth.

Key features of Highspot

  • Content Management: Highspot provides a centralized repository for sales content, advanced search functionality, content tracking, and personalization capabilities, as well as integrations with popular marketing automation and CRM tools.
  • Sales Enablement: Highspot provides pitchbooks, playbooks, and guided selling capabilities, analytics, and reporting capabilities to track the effectiveness of different content and sales strategies, as well as integrations with popular sales and marketing automation tools.
  • Training and Coaching: Highspot offers personalized learning paths, micro-learning modules, and coaching sessions to support ongoing professional development. It also provides performance tracking and analytics to help managers identify skill gaps and target coaching efforts more effectively.
  • Analytics and Reporting: Highspot provides real-time visibility into key metrics such as content usage, engagement rates, and revenue impact. It also offers predictive analytics and AI-powered insights to help sales teams identify high-potential leads and opportunities.
  • Integration: Highspot integrates with a range of sales and marketing tools, including Salesforce, Marketo, and HubSpot.

Key benefits of Highspot

  • Improved Content Management: Highspot’s content management capabilities allow sales reps to easily find, share, and use the most up-to-date marketing collateral, product information, and customer success stories, which can improve sales efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Better Sales Enablement: Highspot’s sales enablement tools help sales reps deliver more effective sales presentations and close more deals, which can lead to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Training and Coaching: Highspot’s training and coaching tools can help sales reps improve their skills and performance, which can lead to increased sales performance and job satisfaction.
  • Advanced Analytics and Reporting: Highspot’s analytics and reporting capabilities provide real-time visibility into key sales metrics, enabling sales teams to identify areas for improvement and optimize their sales strategies for better results.
  • Seamless Integration: Highspot’s integration with popular sales and marketing automation tools allows sales teams to access their data and insights from within the Highspot platform, streamlining their workflow and reducing manual work.

Price: starting at $600 per user per year (annual only – 50 user minimum). 

Software 8: Showpad Coach 

Showpad Coach is a sales coaching platform designed to help sales reps improve their skills and knowledge through personalized coaching and training. It offers features like video coaching, role-playing, and peer-to-peer feedback to help sales reps build confidence and improve their performance. Here is a detailed description of Showpad Coach’s key features and benefits:

Key features of Showpad Coach

  • Video coaching: Showpad Coach allows sales reps to record themselves and receive feedback from their managers and peers, helping them improve their pitch and presentation skills.
  • Role-playing: The platform offers role-playing features that allow sales reps to practice their pitch and receive feedback from their colleagues and managers.
  • Peer-to-peer feedback: Showpad Coach enables sales reps to provide feedback to their colleagues and learn from each other’s experiences.
  • Personalized coaching: The platform provides personalized coaching and training to sales reps based on their performance and areas for improvement.

Key benefits of Showpad Coach

  • Improved sales performance: Showpad Coach’s personalized coaching and training features help sales reps improve their skills and knowledge, leading to increased productivity and revenue.
  • Better customer understanding: The platform provides insights into customer needs and preferences, helping sales reps tailor their approach and improve their success rates.
  • Improved collaboration: Showpad Coach’s peer-to-peer feedback and role-playing features foster collaboration and teamwork among sales reps and managers.

Price: starting at $1 per month.  

Software 9: SalesScreen 

SalesScreen is one of 10 Sales Coaching Software

SalesScreen is a sales coaching software designed to help businesses motivate and engage their sales teams, track performance, and drive revenue growth. It offers a range of features and capabilities to support sales coaching and enablement.

Key features of SalesScreen

  • Sales Performance Tracking: SalesScreen provides a real-time dashboard to track individual and team sales performance, including KPIs such as revenue, number of calls, and pipeline progression.
  • Gamification: SalesScreen uses gamification elements such as leaderboards, challenges, and rewards to increase motivation and engagement among sales reps.
  • Sales Coaching and Training: SalesScreen offers customizable coaching and training programs, including video coaching and feedback, knowledge assessments, and interactive learning modules.
  • Performance Analytics: SalesScreen provides detailed analytics and insights on individual and team performance, allowing managers to identify strengths and weaknesses and target coaching efforts more effectively.
  • Integrations: SalesScreen integrates with popular CRM and sales automation tools such as Salesforce and HubSpot.
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Key benefits of SalesScreen

  • Increased Sales Motivation: SalesScreen’s gamification features can help motivate sales reps to perform at their best, which can lead to increased revenue and improved job satisfaction.
  • Improved Sales Performance: SalesScreen’s sales coaching and training tools can help improve sales reps’ skills and performance, leading to increased revenue and customer satisfaction.
  • Real-Time Performance Tracking: SalesScreen’s real-time dashboard allows sales reps and managers to track their progress and adjust their strategies accordingly, leading to more informed decision-making and better sales outcomes.
  • Data-Driven Insights: SalesScreen’s analytics and reporting capabilities provide actionable insights into individual and team performance, allowing managers to make data-driven decisions and optimize their sales strategies.
  • Streamlined Workflow: SalesScreen’s integration with popular sales and CRM tools allows for a more seamless workflow, reducing manual work and increasing efficiency.

Price: starts at $15 per user per month. 

Software 10: LevelEleven 

LevelEleven is a sales coaching and performance tracking platform designed to improve sales performance through personalized coaching, performance tracking, and gamification. The platform integrates with CRM systems like Salesforce to provide real-time data and insights, making it easy for sales managers to track performance and identify areas for improvement.

Key features of LevelEleven

  • Customizable dashboards: LevelEleven offers customizable dashboards that allow sales managers to track key performance metrics like call volume, pipeline, and revenue.
  • Coaching modules: The coaching modules feature allows managers to provide personalized coaching and feedback to sales reps.
  • Gamification: LevelEleven leverages gamification to motivate and engage sales reps by creating friendly competition and recognition programs.
  • Performance tracking: The platform provides performance tracking and analytics to measure the impact of coaching on sales outcomes.

Key benefits of LevelEleven

  • Improved sales performance: LevelEleven helps sales teams improve performance by providing personalized coaching, performance tracking, and gamification.
  • Real-time data and insights: The platform integrates with CRM systems to provide real-time data and insights, making it easy for sales managers to track performance and identify areas for improvement.
  • Enhanced engagement: The gamification features in LevelEleven help to increase engagement and motivation among sales reps.
  • Customizable dashboards: The customizable dashboards make it easy to track key performance metrics and identify areas for improvement.

Price: starts at $30 per user per month.  

Wrapping Up 

Sales coaching software can be a valuable tool for sales teams and managers looking to improve their performance and collaboration. These software platforms offer a range of features and capabilities to meet the needs of different sales organizations. Whether you are looking for video coaching, real-time conversation analytics, gamification, or content management, there is a software platform that can help you achieve your goals.

When considering which sales coaching software to choose, it is important to evaluate the features, pricing, and user reviews of each platform carefully. Video-based coaching and role-playing are common features of sales coaching software that can help sales reps improve their skills and knowledge. Interactive quizzes and personalized feedback are also effective tools for assessing and improving sales reps’ performance.

Content management is another key feature of sales coaching software that can help sales teams organize and access training materials and other resources. Some platforms also offer mobile apps, which can be especially useful for sales reps who work remotely or travel frequently.

Real-time conversation analytics is a more advanced feature that can provide sales managers with valuable insights into their team’s performance. By analyzing data from sales calls and meetings, managers can identify areas for improvement and provide targeted coaching and support.

Gamification is another feature that can make sales coaching more engaging and effective. By incorporating game-like elements into training and coaching activities, sales teams can increase participation and motivation.

In conclusion, when choosing a sales coaching software platform, it is important to consider the specific needs and goals of your sales team. By carefully evaluating the available features, pricing, and user reviews, you can find the best sales coaching software platform that will help your team improve their performance and collaboration.

Choosing the best sales coaching software is crucial for empowering your sales team with effective training and support. With numerous options available, finding the right platform can be challenging. Key considerations include features, pricing, and user reviews. Leading sales coaching software platforms offer diverse functionalities, such as video coaching, real-time conversation analytics, and gamification, catering to various team needs. For…