Most Effective Conversation Analytics Software to Try in 2023

Conversation Analytics Software helps sales teams maximize prospect onboarding by providing insights into consumer choices and offering in-call tips to better convince listeners. They track all inbound and outbound conversations, to offer salient insight for desired sales outcomes.

In this article, we’ll discuss the best conversation analytics software, their key features, and prices. For a better understanding, let’s first discuss what is conversation analytics software. 

What is Conversation Analytics Software?
Software 1: ExecVision
Software 2: CallMiner
Software 3: Avoma
Software 4: Allego
Software 5: Chorus
Software 6: Observe.AI
Software 7: Salesken.AI
Software 8: Jiminny
Software 9: CallRail
Software 10:

What is Conversation Analytics Software? 

Conversational analytics software is a platform designed to track, analyze, and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts and website interactions to improve conversion rates. 

Conversion analytics software focuses on understanding how visitors behave on a website, app, or landing page and identifies the actions they take that lead to desired outcomes or conversions, such as purchases, sign-ups, form submissions, or downloads.

Software 1: ExecVision 

ExecVision is a cloud-based software that helps enterprises improve their sales performance via conversation intelligence. Through Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, the solution helps to analyze and extract salient insights from customer interactions and sales calls.

ExecVision records analyzes and transcribes sales calls and meetings, mining information during the conversation. Data it gets here helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses in sales techniques. 

Let’s delve into its key features and use cases: 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Customizable Reports and Dashboards It offers customizable dashboards and reports for tailored effectiveness and a more immersive experience. This way, you can primarily track the key metrics for your organization. 
Integration with CRM This feature makes it possible to integrate ExecVision with Customer Relationship Management systems like Salesforce.  
Compliance and Quality Monitoring ExecVision assists to track sales calls for compliance reasons, making sure that sales representatives adhere to industry regulations and company policies. 
Speech Analytics This feature helps use speech analytics to identify keyword phrases, providing insights into customer preferences. 
Role-Based Access and Security This feature lets you restrict access based on user roles. This helps protect sensitive data.  


ExecVision, like many SaaS solutions, offers custom pricing, with fees depending on the inherent needs of your organization. 

CallMiner is a company with expertise in speech analytics and conversation intelligence. It provides software that aids in extracting valuable insights and analyzing customer interactions, especially from phone calls and other recorded conversations.

CallMiner uses natural language processing and artificial intelligence algorithms to transcribe and analyze spoken conversations. This technology allows enterprises to have a deeper knowledge of customer interactions, track customer sentiment, identify trends, and get insight into workforce performance.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Sentiment Analysis It tracks your customer’s emotional tone to understand their satisfaction, frustration, and other sentiments. 
Speech Analytics It transcribes and analyzes large volumes of recorded calls to identify customer conversation patterns, phrases, and keywords. This helps to uncover customer preferences, concerns, and needs. 
Compliance Monitoring It assists in monitoring interactions for industry regulations, and company policies. This feature is particularly useful in healthcare and finance. 
Customer Experience Improvement By gaining salient insights into customer preferences and pain points, enterprises take steps to enhance the overall customer experience. 


CallMiner does not make its pricing details public, as it provides fees on a per-demand basis. The cost of using the software varies with the intricacy of your organization. 

Software 3: Avoma 

Avoma is an AI Meeting Assistant and Revenue intelligence solution that helps businesses to accelerate their team’s productivity and company’s revenue growth. 

Through AI and Machine Learning, the technology helps to analyze and transcribe meetings, sales calls, and other conversations. The product’s main goal is to assist sales professionals with extracting insights from interactions with customers and prospects.

See also  Cultivating Insights: Navigating the Landscape of Textual Analysis Software

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
AI-driven Insights Avoma extracts data from conversations through keyword identification, conversation trends, and sentiment analysis. 
Transcription and AnalysisThis feature transcribes recorded conversations into text, easing the process of searching and analyzing the content. 
Note-taking and Collaboration Users take notes within the platform, share them with team members, and collaborate on action items. 
Integration with Productivity and CRM toolsAvoma integrates with customer relationship management systems and other tools to streamline workflows and improve sales processes. 


Avoma has both free and pricing packages. It has 5 pricing packages, which are: 

  • Starter: $19
  • Plus: $49
  • Business: $79
  • Enterprise: $149

Software 4: Allego

Allego, formerly known as Refract, is a conversation analytics software that provides insights into customer perceptions, and needs based on their conversation with your organization. 

It helps to capture, review, and share the most valuable and revenue-defining moments in conversations. The software also identifies conversational mistakes that lead to customer loss. 

This is good software for enterprises looking to understand the crux of their sales interactions for better outcomes.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Integrations Allego connects easily to third-party software for a more integrated user experience. You can integrate it with Zoom, HubSpot, outreach, etc. 
Call Analysis It helps to quickly understand how your representatives are handling calls with auto-generated reels from all sales conversations. 
Buyer Engagement Tracker This feature helps you go deeper than data from CRM as it reveals the behavior of prospects across calls, content, email, and sales rooms. 
Call Filtering This feature helps you filter through calls based on date, team, and rep, to promptly access information. 


Allego offers custom pricing, thus, you’ll have to reach out to the sales team for a precise cost estimate. 

Chorus is software for helping organizations capture, analyze, and extract insights from sales messages, calls, meetings, and other modes of customer interactions. Chorus uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to transcribe and analyze visual and voice conversations. 

It uses the data it gathers to take notes, make follow-ups, onboard, and coach team members. Chorus informs companies of deal risks, and next steps, and indicates your effective strategies.

Let’s delve into the key features and use cases of this solution.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Call Recording It lets team leads and the management captures and analyze every interaction. As such, you can access your call insights within minutes after the call ends. 
Conversation Analytics It can automatically transcribe and analyze meetings, demos, and recorded calls. It tracks keywords, sentiment, and other data points to understand the performance and effectiveness of sales interactions. 
Deal and Pipeline ReviewsYou can use this feature to review and evaluate deals in your pipeline. It also helps you to identify potential risks and understand the status of your sales opportunities. 


It offers custom plans that are dependent on the needs of your enterprise. 

Software 6: Observe.AI boosts contact center performance and drives business outcomes by helping organizations to gain insight from customer interactions, maximizing frontline team performance and team management, and accelerating positive sales effectiveness. 

Observe.AI mines insights from your customer interactions enables your team to take the smartest actions, and automates workflow to improve your success rate. Let’s delve into its key features and use cases. 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Call Transcription This feature automatically transcribes and analyzes auditor recording of calls in real time. It lets call center agents and supervisors have a written record of conversations, and can easily search for them based on a specific keyword. 
Speech Analytics It uses speech recognition and natural language processing algorithms to analyze customer communication. It’s capable of tracking tone, and sentiments in a conversation. 
Compliance Monitoring It helps to monitor calls for compliance with internal policies and industry regulations. It’s also salient in identifying instances of potential breaches or non-compliance. 
Performance Metrics and Reporting It offers performance metrics and reporting dashboards that offer insights into the performance of your workforce. 
Agency Feedback and Coaching It coaches supervisors to give feedback to agents based on results from their call analysis. 


Observe.AI is pretty enclosed with its pricing, as such, you’ll need to reach out to the sales team for a precise cost estimate. 

Software 7: Salesken.AI is a conversational intelligence product that lets sales organizations improve on their performance, and turn-over rate. 

This tool provides sales reps with cues during conversation to help them impress prospects better. Salesken provides managers visibility unto every inbound and outbound call to prospects via call analytics that tracks their intent, objections, and emotions. 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Call Automation It automates call logging, call recording, or call dialing. This automation helps to streamline the sales process and save time spent on sales representatives. 
Call Analytics It uses natural language processing and speech analytics to extract important insights and analyze sales calls. 
Real-time coaching It provides real-time coaching to sales representatives during their calls. This real-time coaching feature offers suggestions and tips per ongoing conversation. 
Integration with CRM integrates with the CRM system, enabling seamless data synchronization, and ensuring that your CRM records all relevant call information. 
Sales Workflow Automation The platform offers sales workflow automation, streamlining sales processes for better efficiency, and reducing manual tasks. 


Salesken’s pricing depends on a few factors that are unique to your organization’s needs. The price depends on your company’s size and requirements.

Software 8: Jiminny

Jiminny is a sales communication and enablement solution that assists the sales team to improve their performance by providing them insights into mistakes made during sales calls and providing suggestions for improvement. 

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Call Recording and Transcription This feature allows sales reps to record customer interactions. This makes it easy to review and analyze them later. 
Conversation AnalyticsJiminny uses AI-powered analytics to extract helpful insights. It evaluates the quality of interactions and highlights improvement areas. 
KPI tracking This feature offers performance metrics and key performance indicator (KPI) tracking to help sales managers monitor their team’s performance. This includes data on call volume, call duration, conversion rates, and other relevant sales metrics.
Call Guidance Some versions of Jiminny may offer real-time call guidance, providing sales reps with on-screen prompts or suggested responses during live calls to help them navigate conversations effectively.


Jiminy costs $85/ month. This price gives you access to all the features of the software. 

Software 9: CallRail 

CallRail is a call tracking and analytics tool that lets enterprises track and analyze phone call interactions, measure marketing performance, and provide insights into customer behavior during conversation. 

CallRail commonly uses numerous features to understand the effectiveness of its marketing campaigns and improve customer experience, and turnover rate.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Dynamic Number InsertionCallRail uses Dynamic Number Insertion to swap out phone numbers on a website based on their traffic source, this lets them effectively track call conversions. 
Keyword-Level Call Tracking CallRail provides keyword-level tracking for pay-per-click campaigns, providing businesses with an understanding of the keywords that drive conversions and phone calls. 
Call analytics and reporting It provides detailed call analytics and reporting, providing business insights into call volume, call sources, call duration, and other important metrics. 
Lead Scoring It automatically assigns lead scores to calls according to predefined criteria. 


This software offers 4 pricing plans, these are 

  • Call tracking: $45/ month
  • Call Tracking, and Conversation Intelligence: $95/month, 
  • Call Tracking, Form Tracking: $95/month
  • All encompassing plan: $145/month

Software 10: proprietary technology that helps businesses uncover pipeline risks by identifying winning behaviors, and ensuring that your initiatives achieve market success. 

It’s an AI-driven technology that records and transcribes sales calls, analyzes conversation data, and extracts insights from customer interactions and customer cominucation

It offers features such as deal and opportunity insights, keyword spotting, talk time analysis, sentiment analysis, and competitor mentions. The platform enables sales managers to track performance metrics, monitor team progress, and identify successful sales strategies.

Key Features and Use Cases 

Key Features Use Cases 
Call Spotlight This summarizes the call and extracts critical insights from customer interactions. It transforms your team’s workflow from listening to calls to helping you act on key information. 
Smart Trackers It helps to uncover trends happening in your customer interactions. This helps you get ahead of market risks, measure strategic initiatives, and discover effective sales strategies. 
Translation This feature enables a global team with the ability to share insights, and have a deep understanding of customer conversations. 

Pricing offers custom pricing, as such, you’ll need to reach out to the sales team for a precise fee. 


Conversation analytics software helps you extract data from all inbound and outbound sales discussions, helping you understand consumer demands, and market trends. It also help track errors in sales discussions, and potential improvements to convince more clients. 

Conversation Analytics Software helps sales teams maximize prospect onboarding by providing insights into consumer choices and offering in-call tips to better convince listeners. They track all inbound and outbound conversations, to offer salient insight for desired sales outcomes. In this article, we’ll discuss the best conversation analytics software, their key features, and prices. For a better understanding, let’s first discuss…